Go to Spungella for new posts.

> academyanimation is no longer active and serves as archives

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Spungella goes live!

After a recent run-in with legal complications concerning my sites (not this one... yet), I thought about the look and presentation of this academyanimation blog. Since I never got the official ok to use that name (not that it is AcademyofArtUniversity.blogspot or something), nor images, etc. plus given my rants every now and then, which are purely my thoughts and not the ones of my employers, but especially the fact that this has grown beyond pure AAU material for my students, I decided to change the look and feel (and name) into something more individual. Another reason was also the awesome feedback I got regarding the layout and what you guys would like.

It's time then to redirect you to: SPUNGELLA.

So hopefully Spungella will present itself as more streamlined, accessible and efficient as this current blog. Of course I would really appreciate any further feedback. A few major posts have been switched over already and I will continue to migrate the more important posts. Trailer notices, posters, things like that will stay here, so think of academyanimation as an archive for these type of posts.

That's it for now!


Friday, May 30, 2008

Space Chimps

New posters for Space Chimps:

>>Click here to read the rest of the post...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Back from Vacation

I'm back and posting will resume!

- pic source

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Movie Screengrab Resources

I know I mentioned his site many times, but if it isn't on your regular check-list, it should be. This time John Nevarez hands you sweet links to sites/blogs which have a really good collection of screengrabs. Definitely inspiring when thinking about starting a new shot.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Damon Bard Maquettes

Head over to this site for the Damon Bard interview and check out the images of his artwork.

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The semester is over!

Well, what do you know, another semester is over. Time just flies! Thank you very much for your patience throughout this semester, you've been a great class and I wish you all the best! And who knows, I might see some of you again in another class or as a fellow coworker. Take care!


pic source

Jason Ryan Animation now open

Head over to jasonryananimation.com and check out the previews for all the tutorial videos. A lot of cool stuff! I've been getting his ramp-up emails and it's very exciting to see everything fall together.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Animate on your DS

So ever since I found out that there is an animation program for the DS I got hooked on the whole homebrew scene. If you're interested in the research I did for it, check the swench posts about said DS Homebrew Research and the one about the Installation Process.

What got me started was the post on Tim Sormin's blog, in which he wrote about the current progams: Animanatee, Flickbook and Inchworm. You can read his review and thoughts about it there.

>>Click here to read the rest of the post...

Animation Mentor Newsletter - April

Wow, that tells you how behind I am with my emails (so much to do, not enough time...).

Again, as always, if you haven't subscribed (it's free), you should. :)

This time around we get:

- AM grads work on Horton
- "Daphne's New Broom" short
- Mentor: Don Kim
- Student: Eleanor Dayton
- Round 2 of the Animation Lightning Round with Shawn Kelly

Definitely read the Lightning Round, especially the first Question/Answer. But the rest is very informative as well, so please take a break from whatever you're doing and read Round 2.

Last class and finals

Hey guys,

for next Monday, please bring your latest and greatest version for each assignment, since I will be grading you for this semester's work.

How it works:

- for each Blu-ray DVD your grade goes up by one letter.


It's two Blu-rays.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fantastic timing!

This clip is awesome! The timing on the drop is GENIUS! :)

New Kung-Fu Panda Trailer

Looks awesome! Watch it @ Yahoo

Brains from Thunderbirds takes centre stage in drench ad

Looks like they're mixing a cg puppet with a regular string puppet? Either way, looks awesome!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Igor - Trailer

Watch it @ Yahoo!

Original Ideas

One more week to go and I'm sure you guys are all tired of my same old rants. But look, I'm not the only one ranting about the same thing. :)

The Spline Doctors site got an update (content and look) and the latest post is a demo reel guideline. Once you read it you can tell that Dr. Gordon is a bit frustrated. One might argue that the name calling is a bit out of place (although the commenter actually liked the harshness), but I agree about the content, as you've heard me saying the same thing many times. Here's what I mean:

4) Same old, Same old - If I see another canned physical test I might go crazy. We see alot of the same thing over and over. Whether its an animation mentor character jumping on some poles, or the same ringling assignement where you have to model yourself and animate a piece of dialogue…. It all starts to blend in. I want to see original ideas. Stories, interesting acting. Remember, its always about the ideas and acting abilites. Polish can be taught. Focus more on coming up with original acting and good ideas. The problem with many animation schools these days is that they seem to be copying each other. We see many different reels that contain similar models. If possible, create your own character designs.

Seeing the same walk, the same jump or in general, the same type of animation test becomes boring. Do it a different way. Show the potential employer that you have good ideas. If you are using a pre-built rig then try to change it so it has a different character to it. After a while, when you see so many reels, you see the same stuff and it gets really boring to watch. When you see a fresh idea or character, it is refreshing. I think that someone out there needs to build a rig that is almost like a universal character that can be manipulated. This way you can create any character type and come up with any scenario. I will try to put together some links of successful reels.

Basically, don't make any mistakes. HAHAHAHA! (that one was for my Fall '07 class)

No, seriously. He's right. It doesn't have to be the best looking character in history, but don't stick with a grey Norman (or blue Generi), add props and a set. Even a simple set will expand the story of your shot, beyond the pure exercise. I'm not constantly asking why your character is doing what he/she/it is going because I like to torture you, it's because I want you to think about the bigger picture and the motivations of your character, so that you can elevate your clip beyond a pure assignment into an original and creative piece of animation.

Back in the day people got hired based on their bouncing balls. Well, the game has changed, the expectations are higher. If you're not willing to go the extra mile, you will have a hard time. And face it, if you want to work for a company, you need to figure out what they want and then give them what they want. If you want to do whatever you feel is right, then do your own short. If you're lucky, people will like it, maybe people at companies and that will result in getting hired. But you're only limiting the chances of finding a job. Use all the time you can get to work on single clips (or a little sequence), which fit the style and taste of the company you want to work for. The company is your client and you need to please the client. Once you're hired you can go off and do your own thing, no problem.

Show me an interesting character, not the same damn thing I’ve seen over and over. Be original with your characters, ideas, acting… everything.

If you have a hard time sympathizing with that, then I suggest you spend a Saturday or Sunday (full day) going through ALL the reels you can find online. Watch as much as you can for a whole day and you will realize what he's talking about. It's also good reference in terms of what not to do. You will quickly realize which audio clips, acting choices, set pieces, etc. are overused. So don't replicate any of it, figure out something new.

The suggestion that someone out there should build a universal rig which can be molded into any character is a good idea (Norman is a good example), but a bit out of touch in terms of the time and effort it takes to do so. Dr. Gordon is aware of it ("Sure, it would be great to be able to design your own character, but I understand, as much as anyone that it isn't easy and animators want to focus on performance."), but I wonder if reviewers at other companies are as well. I have my doubts that they REALLY understand it unless they are job hunting, animating and rigging while trying to pay off their student loan in today's environment.

How about the companies use their resources and build a universal rig for the animation community? Bluesky has a proprietary rig they hand to job applicants as a testing tool. I'd like to see other companies do the same and more. How about once you submit your reel and it's promising, the company provides links to a library of their own rigs? You wouldn't be allowed to share them publicly, maybe only the company will end up seeing the clips, but at least they get to see what they want (rig wise).

One day maybe.

- pic source

Friday, May 2, 2008
