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Monday, November 19, 2007

Spring 2008 Class

[YET ANOTHER UPDATE] Got this from the AAU:

There will be no more printed syllabi for on-site classes. Syllabi will be available for students – and yourselves – in the Student Pickup drive.

So far we will meet in room 805.

CA3D 686.02 MS: Character Animation for Grads, Monday 7-10pm

Sounds like the class is already full, but will have more details soon.


For those students who signed up (and if you didn't but know people who did, please pass this message along):

I HIGHLY recommend that you DON'T take this class if you are:

- enrolled in Animation Mentor at the same time
- taking any Pixar class at the same time
- working or somehow too busy to attend and/or complete the assignments given in class

Due to recent experiences with students being too busy because of above mentioned reasons I highly discourage you from taking this class, because it's unfair to the other students if you're taking up a spot and then are not doing any work for that class, while other people would gladly work their butt off but can't because the class is full.

Sorry to be harsh but slackers are not welcome.


Chris P. said...

Exactly, your class in spring 2008 has been registered fully. I got this bad news from my grad. advisor. Many of my friends at AAU recommended your class a lot. It's not hard to tell it's true by just browsing this blog. Is there any possibility for you to open another session? I know it's a complicated issue that can't be solved and answered immediately, but it just makes me so powerless while knowing that an ideal class is full.

Aziz Kocanaogullari said...

Oh please, please, please, open up another session!

Jean-Denis Haas said...

Sorry, I can't add another session. That would take time away from the other class, plus my family, plus possible OT at work, so unfortunately, it's a no go. I will add a few caveats though for the next class, so see post for update.

Anonymous said...

Pardon my ignorance but how and who exactly can sign up for a class?

Is it open to the public or do you have to be enrolled at AAU?

I am in the UK. Could I possibly hand in assignments?


Jean-Denis Haas said...

Yeah, you have to be enrolled at the AAU.
You can send me your clips privately, but you have to understand that school work will have priority, so might not get immediate feedback.
